
Read the latest blogs exploring how our data is being used to tackle poverty and promote economic wellbeing.

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Hands coming together with puzzle pieces
21 Dec 2023

Breaking down data barriers: A pioneering partnership for positive change with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Making financial data available for researchers for in-depth research and analysis to better understand the impact of income volatility.
Income VolatilityResearchInsights
People sit at a table and talk about money
11 Dec 2023

Working with the ICO to unlock the value of sharing data to help improve people’s lives

Our vision is to be the trusted UK partner for safely & securely sharing de-identified data to power impactful research on society's big challenges.
Wall of safe deposit boxes in steel
29 Nov 2023

Inside the vault: Uncovering hidden stories through banking data

Guest Blog from JRF exploring how banking data can unlock insights into social and economic inequality, challenging 'groupthink' for meaningful change.
PartnershipIncome Volatility
A woman stands over a laptop looking at a report
4 Jul 2023

Smart Data Foundry, Sage, and CEBR launch their quarterly Small Business Tracker

The quarterly report will provide unique insights that will transform how we understand the financial health of small businesses in the UK.
PartnershipSMEEconomic Wellbeing
Ceramic piggy bank wearing a fabric face mask
1 Jul 2021

How data can target Covid-19 financial support to those in need

How did the coronavirus pandemic affect people’s income, spending, and saving? Understanding will help shape economic recovery and future support schemes.

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