Financial Data Service (FINDS)

Providing researchers with access to data about financial behaviours, economic resilience & regional economic activity. 

Part of Smart Data Research UK's smart data ecosystem.

Part of a UK-wide smart data ecosystem

We take a collaborative approach to providing high-quality financial data for the UK research community, working as part of Smart Data Research UK's ecosystem of six smart data providers to enhance multidisciplinary research. By supporting academic research into the root causes of poverty, inequality, and economic wellbeing, FINDS data can uncover insights that inform meaningful solutions to these pressing societal challenges.

What is the Financial Data Service?

The Financial Data Service (FINDS) will provide secure access to de-identified banking and finance data from 5.3 million UK customers, with data from tens of thousands of SMEs also on the roadmap. 

Funded by UKRI, FINDS provides the UK research community with free access to FINDS data and will enable research that can transform our understanding of how economic shocks and policy interventions affect different communities, helping policymakers design more targeted and effective responses to economic challenges.

The data can provide insights into presssing challenges such as child poverty, the cost-of-living crisis, the socio-economic impact of gambling, financial inclusion and economic productivity and wellbeing in different economic sectors and geographic places. 

FINDS is a collaboration between Smart Data Foundry and the University of Edinburgh, and is led by Professor Chris Dibben (University of Edinburgh) and Dougie Robb (Smart Data Foundry).

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What data can I access?

FINDS data is drawn from 5.3 million account holders across the UK, and soon will also include thousands of SMEs. This provides a diverse and geographically representative view of financial behaviours, which essential for designing inclusive policies.

Data is sourced from trusted data partners in UK financial services.

The data is made available to researchers as collections and can be accessed via the MyFoundry data catalogue, which will be regularly updated with new collections for researchers to explore:

Currently available

Coming soon

  • Income Volatility Aggregated Data 
  • Income Volatility Microdata 
  • Income Variability Aggregated Data 
  • Payment Interval Aggregated Data 
  • Income Source Aggregated Data 
  • Living Beyond Means Aggregated Data 
  • Benefits Income Above Threshold Aggregated Data 
  • Essential Expenditure Above Threshold Aggregated Data 
  • Disposable Income Below Threshold Aggregated Data 
  • Financial Behaviours (Cost of Living) Microdata 
  • SME Accounting and Payroll Aggregated Data
Explore FINDS data

About Smart Data Research UK

Smart Data Research UK (SDR UK) is the national programme for smart data research. Backed by UK government funding, it is a UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) data infrastructure programme.

SDR UK brings together companies, academics, innovators and government, unlocking the data we generate through everyday digital interactions to improve lives. By developing ways to provide researchers with secure and responsible access to this data, SDR UK and its network of smart data services will help solve social and economic challenges. 

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Contact our Research team to learn more about FINDS, the data and research projects.

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